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Student Welfare

At the core of our school community at Newham Primary School is the attention on student welfare. We aim to be an inclusive place for all students; a place where they feel safe and supported in regards to their physical health and general wellbeing.

To this end, we have a range of school policies and ensure that all staff are trained and compliant in these areas:

Child Safety

  • Mandatory Reporting – All staff trained and compliant.

  • ChildSafe – we are a registered and compliant organisation.

  • Teacher VIT Registration is compulsory.

  • Working With Children Checks – all adults must have one before they work in the school, including school volunteers.

Student Health

  • Anaphylaxis and Allergy Management procedures.

  • First Aid Treatment and Procedures by qualified staff at all times.

  • We are a SunSmart School.

  • Learning curriculum includes a focus on the benefits of healthy eating, good hygiene, drug awareness and regular exercise.

Physical Environment

  • OHS Committee.

  • Emergency Management systems in place and drilled regularly.

Bullying & Harrassment

  • Bullying Policy is implemented and regularly reviewed.

  • The school is implementing School-Wide Positive Behaviours Support
    (refer to information on the School-Wide Positive Behaviours Support page relating to this).

Acknowledgement of Country

Newham Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners of the land on which the school stands.
We pay our respects to their elders past, present, and emerging.

Excellence: Resilience / Unity / Responsibility / Respect


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